Book Launch event flyerAdults

Register Now for Book Launch and Signing, Aug. 20th

On Tuesday, August 20 the JCC of Syracuse will welcome Alan M. Shore for a discussion marking the release of his book Uncommon Allies: American Jews and Christians Uniting against Hitler, 1933-1945. Described as a “thought-provoking examination of the complex bonds between these two faiths,” by Publishers Weekly, Uncommon Allies uses a range of primary and secondary sources, including English and Yiddish newspapers of the time and neglected histories of various religious organizations, to explore religious leaders uniting in shared purpose in the shadow of World War II.

This is undoubtedly going to be a thought-provoking event you won’t want to miss. Registration is required via the scheduler below. Limited books will be available at the event for purchase and signing.

Alan M. Shore

About the Author

Alan Shore holds a doctorate in Modern Jewish History and Culture from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley. He contributed an entry on the work of Sholem Asch to the Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture and wrote the foreword to A Hebraic Inkling: C. S. Lewis on Judaism and the Jews by P. H. Brazier.


Everyone Can Run!
